Year 5
Welcome to the Year 5 webpage
If you have any questions, please contact Ms Harman (Jet Class) or Ms Beiqi (Turquoise Class) via the School Office.
Our Friends of Wendell Park (FOWP) class rep is COMING SOON who can be contacted through the School Office.
Please click here to see our Meet the Teacher presentation for this academic year.
Please click here to see the parent information presentation regarding Juniper Hall.
Important Information
Monday -
Tuesday - Wear PE kit to school
Wednesday - Wear PE kit to school
Thursday -
Friday -
Named water bottles - please remember it is important that your child brings water to drink during the day; this is one way to ensure that their brains are working to their full potential.
Curriculum NewslettersCurriculum Newsletters
Autumn 1 Curriculum Newsletter
Autumn 2 Curriculum Newsletter
Spring 1 Curriculum Newsletter
PE Kit
Children will need to come to school dressed in their PE kit on Tuesdays and Thursdays
PE kit:
a plain white t-shirt
dark grey/black long jogging bottoms or shorts
black trainers
Children should wear their normal school jumper
Please help your child to learn their new spellings and practise them further on Spelling Shed.
We expect Year 5 children to change their own reading books as often as possible, bringing their reading records in to school frequently to be checked by their class teacher.
We encourage you to read as much as you can - at least 20 minutes every day. Ms Harman and Ms Beiqi are avid readers so please let us know any recommendations you might have.
Click here for an amazing list of reading books that we recommend for Year 5.
You can also visit The Book Trust and search for your own reading book based on your interests. Enjoy!
If you want to help your child further, we recommend the following websites:
Relationships & Health Education (RHE) Year 5
For more information about the RHE curriculum and topics in Year 5, please click on the Topics Letter and Briefing Sheet. If you have any further queries, please contact Mrs T (RHE Lead) or Mrs Peters (Head of School).